

"The Stuebben Genesis Special with Biomex seat is the best close contact dressage saddle in the world. Every horse goes better in it. Every rider sits better in it. No other saddle fits like this saddle does. Period. If you are a fan of good riding and precise feeling, take the time to learn to train and compete in this saddle. I won’t ride in anything else. Ever." ~ CHS


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"Uvex is a leader in design and comfort. Their helmets keep me cool and safe and the latest designs are elegant. A remarkable helmet maker" ~ CHS


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Derby Boots

"Derby boots are the ONLY boots for me! Superb fit, great look, 100% fine craftsmanship!" ~ CHS


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Anna Klose


"When I first saw the products from Anna Klose Hamburg, I thought to myself – They are far too nice to take into the stable or put on my horse. But I have always surrounded myself with beautiful things, so why not just dress Frankie up in the style that she deserves? Then I got to use these products - these exquisite, cheeky, vibrantly beautiful pieces that are all wearable and washable... and I thought... let's take them home!" ~ CHS


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Emerald Valley


"I never leave home without Fibre Beet. This reduced-sugar beet pulp combined with alfalfa is not only a fantastic source of roughage for my horses, it has a beneficial hydrating influence on horses in hot climates and under stress while traveling. It’s so palatable that once my horses get used to eating it, they will drink a half bucket of water just to get to a handful of Fibre Beet at the very bottom. It’s also a great roughage supplement and/or substitute when good hay is hard to find. I swear by it, and my horses travel around the world with it." ~ CHS


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Mushroom Matrix


"The medicinal properties of mushrooms have been well known in the Far East for centuries. I particularly like the ECP (Equine Calm Performance) for my top horses. It does not take the edge off their energy, but I notice an increased ability to focus. I highly recommend this for sensitive, hot horses." ~ CHS


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Babington Mills


"I have been feeding Omega H from Babington Mills for over 5 years. This is the best forage based grain i can find for my horses anywhere in the world. Babington Mills takes care of the inside of  my horses so that I can concentrate on the outside!" ~ CHS


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O3 Animal Health


"The healthiest fat you can feed your horse. Supplement your horse at the cellular level and watch the magic happen." ~ CHS


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